Photographer: Anannya Dasgupta
Unsung Arrivals | June 22/3, 2012 | Painted Bride Philadelphia
“Traditional and contemporary dance are often seen as opposites, the one a preservation of folk forms and the other an attempt to reject tradition and express modern ideas. But the Philadelphia-based Courtyard Dancers combine the two, taking a progressive approach to classical Indian dance.”
“Arriving at this history-shaping rupture, the Courtyard Dancers reminded us that forms have their own particular doors to knowing and feeling. This past-meets-present Kathak, cognizant of the dance form’s own complex Muslim and Hindu layering, transmitted a lingering, multi-voiced, embodied sense of an event that stopped one kind of time, and started another.”
“Indian dance has much to teach the west about expressive use of hands. The most stunning movements involved complex rapid fire hand gestures.”